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Piotr Tobiasz
Piotr Tobiasz
Engineering enjoyer, doing backend stuff with Go and Python
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Hi, my name is Piotr. I am a software engineer from Poland, currently working full-time in Germany.


I have always been interested in computers and software. I started my programming adventure quite early, by learning Java and writing some simple Minecraft mods. The possibilities of simply writing a text in a code editor and watching some crazy things happening amazed me.

Upon entering college, I quickly realized that I was bored with just theory and simple exercises. As a result, I decided to learn Python and pursue a career in web development as soon as possible.

I genuinely love engineering and I am always looking for new challenges. I always strive to do my best whether it’s designing or implementing solutions. I just like building things in general. I am eager to explore various concepts and share my knowledge with others. Creating content for my blog allows me to do both regularly (although I am not too consistent with it).

Besides programming, I also like reading nonfiction and fantasy books, playing video games, and practicing kickboxing.


My main area of expertise is backend development. I also have frontend experience with both React and Angular but ’the other side’ never got my attention as much as the backend. I am also familiar with DevOps and cloud concepts, including Docker, Kubernetes, and AWS. Still, I would not call myself a DevOps (I wouldn’t even dare to!) because usually infrastructure was out of my scope.

Coming back to the backend, most of my ‘production’ experience is with Python, simply because it was the language I used at my first job. I started with Django, but then I discovered FastAPI which quickly became my favorite framework. I also have experience with Go, which I use a lot for my personal projects and I sort of think that this is a perfect language for backend development (but this is probably a topic for an article).

During my career, I had opportunities to build both monoliths and microservices, work with relational and non-relational databases, use various message brokers, build REST, GraphQL, and gRPC APIs, build distributed systems, and more. I have participated in all stages of the software development process, from designing architecture to implementing and deploying the solution. I wrote a lot of documentation including ADRs, API specs (using OpenAPI), and RFCs. I have experience with various testing frameworks and tools, like pytest (the best testing framework ever) and CI/CD tools like GitHub Actions or CircleCI. I also worked with tracing and monitoring tools like Sentry and Datadog.

To make it a little more visual, here are some fancy icons:


  1. DubClub

    06.2024 - present

    Senior Software Engineer

    • Doing backend stuff
  2. Scoutbee

    10.2022 - 06.2024

    Backend Engineer

    • Building customizable search engine for suppliers' data using ElasticSearch and GraphQL
    • Leading the development of an AI-powered chat bot for supplier discovery
    • Played a key role as the main contributor to a backend project that earned certification and got integrated by SAP. The project is now available on SAP Store as Scoutbee Discovery
    • Implementing new services from scratch using FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, and PostgreSQL
    • Ensuring proper observability and monitoring using structlog, Datadog and Sentry
    • Planning new features, designing solutions and leading their implementation
    • Participating in architecture plannings
    • Conducting technical interviews for both backend and frontend positions
  3. STX Next

    12.2020 - 10.2022

    Python Engineer

    • Developing web apps for procurement and supply chain management
    • Maintaining and improving existing monolith application
    • Designing and implementing various microservices
    • Implementing Auth0-based authentication, authorization, and user management
    • Improving performance and scalability of distributed system
    • Working in both small and large teams
    • Using various technologies, including Python, Django, FastAPI, Redis, PostgreSQL, Celery, RabbitMQ, Docker, and more
  4. Nokia

    11.2019 - 12.2020

    Junior Python Developer

    • Developing and maintaining internal tool for managing employees and teams
    • Working in small, agile team
    • Building a monolith using Django, Angular, Celery, PostgreSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ


WSB Merito, Bachelor in Cloud Computing Wroclaw, 2018 - 2021

Amazon Web Services, Certified Solutions Architect - Associate, Certificate 03.2022


You can find the links at the top of the page, next to my photo. You can contact me directly via email or on LinkedIn. Projects I’m working on can be found on GitHub, although I rarely finish any project and most of them stay private. On top of that, I occasionally write technical articles and post them on Substack, Hashnode, DEV, and HackerNoon. If you find any of my content interesting, would be really great to see you subscribing to the newsletter on Substack :)